Source code for mishmash.config

from pathlib import Path
from configparser import ExtendedInterpolation
import nicfit
from .orm import MAIN_LIB_NAME

WEB_PORT = 6229
MAIN_SECT = "mishmash"
SA_KEY = "sqlalchemy.url"
SQLITE_DB_URL = "sqlite:///{0}/mishmash.db".format(Path().cwd())
POSTGRES_DB_URL = "postgresql://mishmash@localhost/mishmash"
LOG_FORMAT = "<%(name)s:%(threadName)s> [%(levelname)s]: %(message)s"

                 .addPackageLogger("eyed3", pkg_level="ERROR")
                 .addHandler("file", "StreamHandler", args=("sys.stderr",))

sqlalchemy.url = {SQLITE_DB_URL}
;sqlalchemy.url = {POSTGRES_DB_URL}

# All sync'd media is assigned to the '{MAIN_LIB_NAME}' library unless
# instructed
;sync = true
;paths = dir1
;        dir2
;        dir_glob
# Directories to exclude, each as a regex
;excludes = dir_regex1
;           dir_regex2

use = call:mishmash.web:main
pyramid.reload_templates = true
pyramid.default_locale_name = en
pyramid.includes =
# Devel opts
;pyramid.debug_authorization = false
;pyramid.debug_notfound = false
;pyramid.debug_routematch = false
;pyramid.includes =
;    pyramid_debugtoolbar
;    pyramid_tm

use = egg:waitress#main
host =
port = {WEB_PORT}


[docs]class MusicLibrary: def __init__(self, name, paths=None, excludes=None, sync=True): = name self.paths = paths or [] self.sync = sync self.excludes = excludes
[docs] @staticmethod def fromConfig(config): all_paths = [] paths = config.get("paths") if paths: paths = paths.split("\n") for p in [Path(p).expanduser() for p in paths]: glob_paths = [ str(p) for p in Path("/").glob(str(p.relative_to("/"))) ] all_paths += glob_paths if glob_paths else [str(p)] excludes = [str(Path(p).expanduser()) for p in config.getlist("excludes", fallback=[])] return MusicLibrary(":", 1)[1], paths=all_paths, excludes=excludes, sync=config.getboolean("sync", True))
[docs]class Config(nicfit.Config): def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): super().__init__(filename, interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation(), **kwargs) # XXX: new decorator could simplify these accessors. @property def db_url(self): return self.get(MAIN_SECT, SA_KEY).strip() @property def music_libs(self): for sect in [s for s in self.sections() if s.startswith("library:")]: yield MusicLibrary.fromConfig(self[sect])