

MishMash ships with a default configuration that should work out of the box with no extra additional settings by using a SQLite database saved in ${HOME}/mishmash.db. Running mishmash info with demonstrate this, afterwards mishmash.db will exist in your home directory and be initialized with the database schema.

$ mishmash info
$ sqlite3 /home/travis/mishmash.db
sqlite> select * from artists;
1|Various Artists|Various Artists|2014-10-11 01:12:10.246406|||

To see the current configuration use info command’s --default-config option. You may wish to capture this output for writing custom configuration files.

$ mishmash --default-config
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:////home/travis/mishmash.db

keys = root, sqlalchemy, eyed3, mishmash

keys = console

keys = generic

level = INFO
handlers = console

... more config ...

The first change most users will want to do is change the database that MishMash uses. The -D/--database option make this easy. In this example, information about ./mymusic.db SQLite database and the mymusic PostgreSQL database is displayed.

$ mishmash --database=sqlite:///mymusic.db info
$ mishmash -D postgresql://mishmash@localhost:5432/mymusic info

In you wish to make additional configuration changes, or would like to avoid needing to type the database URL all the time, a configuration is needed. The file may contain the entire configuration or only the values you wish to change (i.e. changes are applied to the default configuration). With the settings saved to a file use the -c/--config option to have MishMash use it. In this examples the database URL and a logging level are modified.

$ cat example.ini
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://mishmash@localhost:5432/mymusic

level = DEBUG

$ mishmash -c example.ini info

You can avoid typing -c/--config option by setting the file name in the MISHMASH_CONFIG environment variable.

$ export MISHMASH_CONFIG=/etc/mishmash.ini

None of the options for controlling configuration are mutually exclusive, complex setups can be made by combining them. The order of precedence is show below:

Default <-- -c/--config <-- MISHMASH_CONFIG <-- -D/--database

Items to the left are lower precedence and the direction arrows (<--) show the order in which the options are merged. For example, local machine changes (local.ini) could be merged with the global site configuration (site.ini) and the PostgreSQL server at is used regardless then the other files set.

$ MISHMASH_CONFIG=local.ini mishmash -c site.ini -D postgresql://


The first requirement is deciding a database for MishMash to use. One of the great things about SQLAlchemy is its support for a multitude of databases, feel free to try whichever you would like but that the only back-ends that are currently tested/supported are:

* Postgresql
* SQLite; limited testing.

The default value uses a SQLite database called ‘mishmash.db’ in the user’s home directory.:


The URL in this example specifies the type of database (i.e. SQLite) and the filename of the DB file. The following sections provide more URL examples for Postgresql (where authentication credentials are required) and SQLite but see the full documentation for SQLAlchemy database URLs for a complete reference.


The pattern for Postgresql URLs is:


user and passwd are the login credentials for accessing the database, while host and port (the default is 5432) determine where to connect. Lastly, the specific name of the database that contains the MishMash data is given by db_name. A specific example:


Setup of initial database and roles::

$ createuser --createdb mishmash
$ createdb -E utf8 -U mishmash mishmash


The pattern for SQLite URLs is:


The slashes can be a little odd, so some examples:


The last example specifies an in-memory database that only exists as long as the application using it.

mishmash info

The info command displays details about the current settings and database. TODO

mishmash sync

The sync command imports music metadata into the database. TODO

mishmash web

The web command runs the web interface. TODO

mishmash merge-artists


mishmash split-artists

Since MishMash tries not to make assumption about directory structure there may be times when multiple artists with the same name are merged. The split-artists command can use to fix this.:

$ mishmash split-artists -L Music "The Giraffes"

The city of origin is used to distinguish between each of the artists and then albums are assigned to each.:

4 albums by The Giraffes:
   2005       The Giraffes
   2005       Haunted Heaven EP
   2008       Prime Motivator
   2000       The Days Are Filled With Years

Enter the number of distinct artists: 2

The Giraffes #1
   City: Brooklyn
   State: NY
   Country: US

The Giraffes #2
   City: Seattle
   State: WA
   Country: USA

Assign albums to the correct artist.
Enter 1 for The Giraffes from Brooklyn, NY, USA
Enter 2 for The Giraffes from Seattle, WA, USA

The Giraffes (Giraffes, The (Brooklyn)/2005 - The Giraffes): 1
Haunted Heaven EP (Giraffes, The (Brooklyn)/2005 - Haunted Heaven EP): 1
Prime Motivator (Giraffes, The (Brooklyn)/2008 - Prime Motivator): 1
The Days Are Filled With Years (Giraffes, The (Seattle)/2000 - The Days Are Filled With Years): 2