Source code for mishmash.util

import os
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from eyed3.utils import datePicker
from countrycode.countrycode import countrycode

NAME_PREFIXES = [u"the ", u"los ", u"la ", u"el "]

[docs]def splitNameByPrefix(s): s_lower = s.lower() for prefix in NAME_PREFIXES: if s_lower.startswith(prefix): return (s[len(prefix):], s[0:len(prefix.rstrip())]) return (s, None)
[docs]def sortByDate(things, prefer_recording_date=False): # XXX: Why just just make Album types sortable by intregating this def _sortkey(a): return datePicker(a, prefer_recording_date=prefer_recording_date) return sorted(things, key=_sortkey)
[docs]def normalizeCountry(country_str, target="iso3c", title_case=False): """Return a normalized name/code for country in ``country_str``. The input can be a code or name, the ``target`` determines output value. 3 character ISO code is the default (iso3c), 'country_name', and 'iso2c' are common also. See ``countrycode.countrycode`` for details and other options. Raises ``ValueError`` if the country is unrecognized.""" iso2 = "iso2c" iso3 = "iso3c" raw = "country_name" if country_str is None: return u'' if len(country_str) == 2: cc = countrycode(country_str.upper(), origin=iso2, target=target) if not cc: cc = countrycode(country_str, origin=raw, target=target) elif len(country_str) == 3: cc = countrycode(country_str.upper(), origin=iso3, target=target) if not cc: cc = countrycode(country_str, origin=raw, target=target) else: cc = countrycode(country_str, origin=raw, target=target) # Still need to validate because origin=raw will return whatever is # input if not match is found. cc = countrycode(cc, origin=target, target=target) if cc else None if not cc: raise ValueError("Country not found: %s" % (country_str)) return cc.title() if title_case else cc
[docs]def commonDirectoryPrefix(*args): return os.path.commonprefix(args).rpartition(os.path.sep)[0]
[docs]def mostCommonItem(lst): """Choose the most common item from the list, or the first item if all items are unique.""" # This elegant solution from: lst = [l for l in lst if l] if lst: return max(set(lst), key=lst.count) else: return None
[docs]def safeDbUrl(db_url): """Obfuscates password from a database URL.""" url = urlparse(db_url) return db_url.replace(url.password, "****") if url.password else db_url